The Infinite Youth [Search results for lautrec

  • "Bonsoir Lautrec" Brooch

    "Bonsoir Lautrec" Brooch

    Unique brooch inspired by Toulouse Lautrec's cabaret, with central pendant which it represents a print after my original artwork, a handmade cabochon and a special embroidered viscose. Some items are hand painted in an impressionist style for more visual effects.
    Length: 12 cm
    Width: 8,5 cm
    You can order this product from my online shops(sidebar below)
    CODE: BR 22

  • "Lautrec" Earrings

    "Lautrec" Earrings

    Unique handmade earrings with playful style portraits- prints made by my original artwork, pearls and lemon jasper.
    Earrings are inpired by impressionism art style.
    CODE: CER 21

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