The Infinite Youth:
Sebastian Faena

  • Kate Upton

    Kate Upton

    Copyright by V | Photography Sebastian Faena | Styling Julia von Boehm | Make-Up Jeanine Lobell at Tim Howard Mgmt | Hair Didier Malige at Art Partner | Models Kate Upton at IMG, Liam Dean at Red NY, Kremi Otashliyska at Ford NY | Manicure Honey at Exposure NY | Light Design Chris Bisagni | Prop Styling Anthony Bornstein, Clare Joan Byrne, Michael Gleeson | Make-Up Assistance Chisa | Hair Assistance Takashi Yusa | Production Helena Martel | Production Assistance Alberto M. Colombo | Prop Styling Assistance Sam White | Light Design Assistance Carlos Ruiz | Location The Waldorf Astoria, New York | Location Equipment Root | Retouching Smooch NYC | Special Thanks Martin Andersen

    VIA «Kate Upton» by Jane Storm

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