The Sheraton Nassau Beach and Stuart Cove"s Dive Bahamas are offering a shark adventure for guests who stay either three or five nights. A three night stay includes one two-tank shark dive for two people and a five night stay includes two two-tank shark dives. The experience include a free swim where divers swim along a wall with sharks following them. The second is a feeding dive where divers kneel in a semi-circle around a professional shark feeder. The sharks swim around the divers interested in the bait and not the divers- let"s hope!
The Sheraton Nassau Beach sits on seven acres with one thousand feet of beach frontage, has three large pools with waterfalls and a swim-up bar (that you"ll certainly visit after your shark encounter), and is 15 minutes from Lynden Pindling International Airport.
To book the Shark Dive Adventure Package visit www.sheratonnassau.com/swimming-with-sharks, or call 866-716-8106 and mention rate plan ‘DIVE3’ for the 3 night package or rate plan ‘DIVE5’for the 5 night package. Travelers must be a certified divers.
VIA «Bachelorette Parties- Idea #16: Bahamian Shark Adventure» by Jane Storm